Saturday 14 November 2009

M or KM?

Here in the UK we have a rather interesting problem, we are stuck between miles and kilometres. Sure we all get taught in metric in schools now days, but all our road signs are in miles, this makes it interesting to set up a GPS or work out a bike ride. I know that I can walk 4.5mph, ask me what that is in Km and I will tell you I haven't a clue, sure I can work it out but by the time I have done this I'm half a mile away from where you asked it and well its pointless. Personally I work in miles for everything when I'm out on the bike just because most people understand it. Yards however confuse me, and I have no idea how many yards in a mile, I could google it I know, but that's not the point.

Anyway this is just a time wasting post as I cant get out on the bike, and its annoying, Right now its as sunny as can be, but warning of storms in an hour or so and winds of 40-60mph, and thats not biking weather!

If I dont get out on the bike tomorrow I'll put up a route I do a fair bit, infact its my standard training ride, I do it in pretty much all weathers and almost any time of the year. I dont think i have any photos of this route at the moment, but I will be out there again soon and with the new phone I'll take some!

Heres hoping for better weather tomorrow!


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